Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tisha Morris Feng Shui Consultant

Tisha Morris originally started out as an attorney. A perfectly good and respectful profession. But what happens when you pass the bar.....and it just doesn't fulfill you despite the expectations that it would? Tisha was in a bad relationship, hated her job and needed a creative outlet. Interior design seemed like the perfect solution...only it wasn't. Although she came around to Feng Shui in a round about way, as does all things, it came to her at the perfect time.

Feng Shui is the practice of energy, specifically the energy of our environments. Nurture them and you live a well balanced and in sync life. Abuse them with clutter, and nonsense and suddenly our environments wreak havoc on our lives in ways you never thought possible. Today I sit down with Tisha to learn more about this 3000 year old practice , and great tips to get you started in the right direction.

Freedom and Success
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Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Healing Path with Lori Jacobs

My mom has been in the medical profession for over twenty years. I have seen it shift from a last resort healthcare alternative for those with life threatening disease, into a big business requisite for those who have a sniffle. As our country gets more obese, our disease ratio increases and more unhealthy habits unfold, I knew that it was time for me to make a shift in my own life that would result in a healthier lifestyle.

In the past three years I have made huge leaps to live a better life. I have always worked out but was not conscious of the foods or toxins I was ingesting on a daily basis. Today I live a life filled with yoga, and healthier eating habits but knew there was more I could do. 

For the past year I have been receiving The Healing Path Newsletter. Lori Jacobs the author of this newsletter, and owner, is an herbalist and energy healer. She creates tinctures and salves that aid everything from depression to immune deficiencies that are very common today.

Join me as I sit down with Lori and learn more about tinctures, holistic medicine and proactive things we can do today to start making a difference in our own lives, one herb at a time!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Energy healer Annette Bingham

Annette Bingham  - Holistic Wellness

When you feel out of whack and you just can't put your finger on it, it's most likely something that can be explained in your energy. Our energy fields are very intelligent systems that surround each and every one of us. Three years ago an energy healer noticed a hole in my energy field on my left side, six months later I had surgery to have a tumor removed.

When we are surrounded by negativity, judgement and guilt we tend to harbor those emotions into our bodies. And if you are sensitive to energy such as me, you hold onto it until it manifests into something grave.

Today I sit down with Annette Bingham, an energy healer and past life regression therapist to discuss how our energy works, what the signs are, and how we can fix it to avoid illness.

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Freedom and Success

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Chris Alexandria, Transformational coach with angelic insight

Are you a woman over 40 looking to find your voice? Do you know what your calling is or how to find it? Todays guest is transformationl coach Chris Alexandria who happens to have a wonderful gift she calls, Angel Chatter. Chris has been intuitive all her life and has made it her mission to serve women over 40 to help them find their voice and calling. Through her intuitive gifts, Angel Chatter also known as "the Gang", and insightful nature, Chris is able to transform your life to new heights and get you back on track.

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Freedom and Success
Amanda Gates

Sunday, March 18, 2012

What I love about Sundays

Sundays are undoubtedly my most favorite day of the week. It is the one day that is considered THE day of rest and a day that can be completely quiet. On this particular day you won't be bothered by sales calls, clients, or the like. No, today is about being "off", and feeling OK about it.

As I sip my cup of coffee I think about European cultures that honor siesta and vacation, finding real value in time for pleasure. Americans, however, are riddled with guilt and rarely do we take a few moments to ourselves. Instead, today lets savor the the time. Enjoy your morning cup of joe while sitting on the patio and watching the birds. Read a delicious book that takes you away to someplace exotic, take a nap because you deserve it, and if you are lucky enough to spend time with family or friends this evening, remember to stay present and relish in the time that you spend together!

Freedom and Success

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A journey to the soul

So many of us search for unconditional love. Some desperate, some never admitting, but all of us look for it in various ways. Love comes in many forms. It can come by way of an adorning parent or grandparent. It can come from a concerned teacher or friend, but it can also come from a complete stranger that some of you have never met...yourself.
Many of us have heard that term soul mate, but in order to find your soul mate, or unconditional love, you must first find yourself. Who are you? What are your values? What drives you at your core? We are so inundated with all the chaotic schedules, agendas and expectations around us that often we never take the time to stop and think about who WE are, and what WE want.

Take time to slow down today. Learn to breathe and reach that quiet place within and introduce yourself to you. Your soul is calling, are you ready to take the journey?

Freedom and Success
Amanda Gates

Friday, March 9, 2012

Angel Guidance Coach Melissa Kitto

Have you ever wondered why some folks can easily tap into their intuition? Get the answers they need on pinnacle moments in their lives as if they have a direct calling card to the divine? Today's podcast is with Angel Guidance Coach Melissa Kitto, an expert on tapping into a resource that is within all of us, and she helps give you the necessary tools to make it happen.

Master communication with your angels, strengthen your skills and intuition and learn how to ask the RIGHT kind of questions; instead of screaming from the mountain tops get the answers you need now with Melissa's tips and tricks to show you how!

Melissa Kitto on iTunes

Freedom and Success
Amanda Gates

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Astrology and Tom Brady

So you throw open the newspaper and go straight to the lifestyles section....who cares about politics or world peace, you want to know what your horoscope holds for the day, right? Well astrology holds a deep rooted mythology and science that dates back thousands of years.

So what exactly is astrology? Can it tell the future? If so, what does 2012 look like?

We are in extremely transformational times....times that we haven't seen since the 60's. Join me today with my guest, Astrologist Tom Brady, as we look into lunar calendars, astrology and this age old ritual of finding trends in the stars. Find out about our economy, community and humanity as it speaks through these symbols in the sky, and find out what December 21st means for you.

Tom Brady

The Journey to Enlightenment

One of my favorite quotes from the book Eat, Pray, Love is: "I am not asking for life to be easy, I am just asking for it to not be so hard!" Boy, did I resonate with that! The past couple of years have been challenging to say the least. However, in light of my cynical opinion on this journey to enlightenment there were valuable lessons learned.

During my trek through the emotional roller coaster I like to call lack, anger, frustration, and every negative thought imaginable, I was feverishly meditating and focusing on what I thought I wanted. I devoted an old scrap book to magazine clippings which I deemed my vision board of desires. I chanted mantras, lit incense, focused on the things I desired and pretended as if they had happened. I went as far as begging....yup things got pretty low, and I still was unable to manifest. Why did "that" person do all the same things as me, and get entirely different results.....BETTER more positive results? Why was "that" persons dreams coming true and I wasn't even able to manifest a sandwich, let alone a car!?

I started this roller coaster of emotional pandemonium five years ago. At that point in my life things were pretty good. I was making a damn good living working out of my house, I was considerably happy but meditation was merely a shallow exploration for more material things....that I did not need. But in late 2007 early 2008 a massive shift started to occur in my life. Everything started to go wrong. Clients were unruly and difficult, money was scarce and I unwittingly decided that if I expanded my company things would magically get better......but they didn't.
As I entered into 2009, my husband was out of work, all of my jobs had dried up or went away due to the economy and all the money that I had worked hard for (but easily acquired) was gone. To make matters worse I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in March, and the family pet of 12 years was diagnosed with diabetes. I swear to holy heaven every time I thought it couldn't get worse...it did!

Things continued to spiral out of control. Around every corner was another catastrophe or another fire to put out. I just couldn't get a break. My life was falling apart and I needed the salvation of meditation more than ever before, but it fell on deaf ears. I was nothing more than a shell on auto pilot, I moved from one event to another in survival mode and I was angry and pissed off that the universe would not help me.......I felt that I was doing everything right. Focusing, meditating, visualizing and in return I got zero results.

Fast forward to now. It has been one hell of a journey. And I am no where near being done. I am still cleaning up the aftermath of what truly feels like going to hell and back, but for the first time in three years, I actually feel that change is occurring for the better. I finally feel like I am crawling out of the hole. Albeit slow, I can honestly say that I finally understand the purpose of meditation and going into it with loving intention. In the past I was going into my meditation space angry, frustrated, and pissed off which made me associate that space with those feelings subconsciously, every time I entered! And those feelings would continue while I tried to silence my mind because I felt that way.....I had no idea the fatal results of my thoughts, and feelings. I had no idea that wanting abundance on one hand and being frustrated on the other was confusing my chaotic energy into disorganized mayhem. How on earth can the universe understand such gibberish?While some may shy away from the act of meditating, there are many forms and practices that can benefit us all. Meditation should be approached with intention and love. It is about silencing your mind and honoring the ritual. Even if you only slice out seven minutes of your day to do it, you will feel transformed. Try to do it in the same place ever day. It programs your mind and helps you get calm very quickly when in that sacred space. Think loving thoughts, focus on your feet, legs, thighs and continue to work up your body. Focus on your breath and count. What ever you have to do to shut down for a moment.

Meditation helps ground you. It slows you down, and you think better. You make better decisions and it really helps put things in perspective. I meditate everyday. The ritual alone puts me in a quiet space where I can reflect on things that are important to me. It has helped me get away from anger, and desperation and replaced it with love, wholeness, and trust. Although it truly was a long road trip to wholeness, the most important thing is I did not give up. Try it, honor it, and believe in the power of creation within you.

Freedom and Success

New Age Thinking vs Western Culture

I had the wonderful opportunity to attend one of Bill Plotkins Soucraft intensives in early March. Having never done anything like this I wasn't entirley sure what I had gotten myself into. Open-minded, and ready to explore, I dove into the idea of heading out into nature to talk to trees.

For five glorious days I trekked through the woods (in the middle of no where) to connect with the divine. Not only was I in the middle of no where, I was camping with 12 strangers I had never met. Strangley enough, despite all the signs to be alarmed or rather programmed to fear such unknown circumstances, never in my life had I felt more connected, and safe. These were my people. 
For five days my heart poured open. So much sadness and grief held within me for so long and for the first time in my life I felt accepted, and welcomed. By the end of the trip I was further saddened to leave my family. I truly dreaded going home.
Animas Quest Photo

The experience left a very strong impact on my life. It also opened me up to many new modalities and practices such as regular meditation, and chakra healing. All of which I had done for many years of my life, but never with so much conviction and purpose. Never had it connected to the root of who I was, or had such a deep meaning, until that trip. It was as if I had been unzipped and a new light of energy had been injected through me.

So why is it that an experience such as this can leave such a strong impact on ones life, completley change it for the better, and yet still fall on deaf ears for so many? This is the question that really brought Bev and I together. We desperately wanted to share in our amazing transitions, but no one we knew wanted to take part in such "woo-woo" thinking. 

Our ancestors practiced special ceremonies regularly and followed daily rituals to honor and bless nature and the unseen gods. So when and where did our rancid western culture get so lost? Perhaps somewhere between the intersection of My super sweet 16 and Jersey Shore fame? Or was it as simple as the idea that a two income family suddenly made life a little easier until it became a game of keeping up with the neighbors? I think the death of a reality stars husband is proof positive that perception is certainly not reality, and it's time for us to put our feet back on the ground.


How to find your truth

It is hard to believe that we are limitless beings with unlimited potential. In our human minds we catch ourselves on the smallest of details and allow them to stagnate our lives. For me, three years I have been holding on to "what was", and how hard I worked to get there. Terrified to let it go, knowing that if I just tried a little harder....I could save it. However, in my undaunted efforts to save "it", I strangled and forced what was no longer necessary. But I would not give up, I would not F A I L.

How many of you have been there? Hanging on so tight to something that doesn’t belong to you anymore? Finally, last Monday I gave in. I threw my hands in the air, fell to my knees and gave up. My EGO crushed.  I wasn’t a quitter but today I felt I was. Wouldn’t you know that when I gave in the clouds parted, the sun came out and things started falling into place. Remind yourself to let go, let be and trust the process, you'll be amazed at what can happen when you do, because through that process you'll find yourself!

Freedom and success,